Usually I am all about the love: positive, upbeat, grateful. But I can admit I have been something that looks like bitter lately and I stared at that persons post and wondered why. When I see people's happily smiling faces, why do some make me want to throw up or hope they catch the flu soon?
I honestly think if folks, such as this gal, notice people being bitter, maybe the better resolve would be to try and be a friend, try and shine a ray of light on that bitterness because bitterness is a flashing light saying,
No, things are not okay here.
My bitterness lately stemmed from unfulfilled promises, posers who pretend to be caring when in truth they are the furthest from it, and a break up.
It's natural, when life is crappy, to feel crappy. We can't, every day, decide to make lemonade, because crap is not lemons.

But we will be able to ride the storm and get back to normal much more quickly if we have the help of friends, or caring acquaintances, or even nice strangers to lift our moods through altruism rather than selfies. So go ahead and notice some bitterness happening out there, but instead of complaining about the bitterness, note that its an emotional state with underlying causes and be a friend. Because the world needs more of those.