Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kindle, AKA the Hoarders Best Friend

Hoarding is in the family...on both sides....luckily, I can recognize it and (attempt) to avoid it.

I grew up seeing hoarding in action when I would visit extended family members. Things were stacked endlessly in corners, on top of tables, on top of furniture, EVERYWHERE. Things were kept unnecessarily as if someday they might become useful: empty milk jugs, empty paper wrappers, empty containers of any sort.

Don't get me wrong. I am the Recycle Queen. I see the problem with an use and toss society. There is no AWAY, as in throw it AWAY. It goes in the ground somewhere and sits...for decades...hopefully decomposing, but if its Styrofoam...it's still waiting there to haunt you like some sort of Styrofoam Zombie Apocalypse. All it needs is the ability to get back out of that hole...

But I digress...

One of the things stacked was BOOKS. Because, what do you do once you've read a book but stack it? Granted, rich folk may have a room built with shelves and call it a library. But poor folk (or anyone less than middle class) stacks it and eventually runs out of room...

In the past decade I have seen more and more second hand book stores where you can turn in your book for credit on more books and hopefully keep your house cleaner. However, for the hoarder that doesn't work as they think, "what about when I want to read that book again? And it's gone forever?"

Now the problem is solved! The Kindle (and all it's relatives) were created!

I am new to Kindle, just got one with Christmas gift funds, but after loading several books and a bunch of sample books, much to my amazement the Kindle never gets bigger...it still takes up a tiny bit of space. Heaven for said Hoarder in Teacher clothing who cannot afford a bigger house.

Now, if I just had a Kindle for all the paperwork one acquires as an adult...or a Kindle for all the VHS tapes I have that I cannot afford to throw away(mainly because I cannot afford to replace them with DVDs). And a Kindle for toddler toys that seem to be taking over the house at an every increasing rate...

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