Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Common Sense or the Lack Thereof

I headed to the Goodwill, toddler in tow, to, hopefully, grab an item someone told me was there. But, as usual, said item was gone.

But of course this is not the end of the story, because the toddler who likes to shop is with me. I have a Masters degree, but I have yet to master a 3 year old. Although I tell her to pick one item, we suddenly have 10 with the cute, "please Mommy" plea that follows. I pride myself on getting the booty down to 5 items and head to the check out which is completely empty.

Me: My daughter has this bag of change she has been saving... since there are no customers, would you mind counting it up and letting her buy her things?

Clerk: Sure.

Me: (whisper Mommy voice) I can cover whatever is left as obviously she bought too much stuff.

Clerk: No problem.

At this point clerk starts counting money in a way that seems incredibly slow. The teacher in me wants to help, but waits, not wanting to offend. At this time a customer approaches so I help said clerk count the remainder.

Me: Here is 50 and there is 42 (cents, pointing to piles).

In the interim, said toddler has lost all interest in her newly acquired junk and is enamored with the automatic door. Overly taxed mom worries this might lead to a run out into the parking lot, so my gaze is on her.

I pay minimal attention as the clerk says the total (14.82) and proceeds to ring it on my card.

I stand there, attempting to watch my toddler and wondering why the girl is not putting away any of the change. She just stands there...grinning.

Me: Are we good? Are you putting the money away?

Clerk: That's your money.

Me: I'm not following, you counted it to use?

Clerk: You said you'd pay for it so I rang it all on the card. I'm sorry, I thought you wanted it all on the card.

Me: (in my mind) Did you seriously think I asked you to count out 6$ in change so I could take it back? Does that make any sense?? Do people regularly do that? You must be joking?

Me: (in real life--scrambling to pick up 6$ in change) That's okay, I'll just pick this up and use time...

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